Are you creating videos for your marketing and sharing them on YouTube yet?
Time to get with the program if you’re not!
Confession: It’s hard to admit, but I’ve spent most of my time working one-on-one with clients and helping them get results, that I have totally slacked on my public production of videos and blog posts, soo…. It’s time I walk the walk, eh?
So, now is a great time to share some helpful tips on getting better results with your videos, specifically YouTube videos.
If you’re ready, say “Ready!”
Three Deadly YouTube Video Mistakes You Might Be Making
1. You’re Allowing Suggested Videos to Show – Sometimes you like to embed your videos from YouTube to your blog, it’s easy and convenient and they pay for all the hosting, so yeah, free is good. But it’s best to self-host your vids on your own site, and have them on YouTube too, but, not everyone knows how to do it and yadda yadda. So, if you’re going to embed your video on your site, then PLEASE make sure you don’t show suggested videos.
Watch the video below for an explanation on how to do this.
Don’t Show Suggested YouTube Videos
Why? As I said in the video, you want to keep your visitors on your site, not send them off to YouTube or have them watch other videos.
2. You’re Not Adding A Description – You have a great opportunity to add some descriptive text below the video. Do this.
Why? Because YouTube is a search engine too. You have a better chance of having your video found if you have a description, especially if you use your keywords in the title and the description.
3. You’re Not Using Tags Right – Without going into a litany about using keywords (I’ll save that for another time), be sure to use parentheses if your tags are not single words. Here’s what I mean. If one of your tags is how to schedule tweets, enter the tag like this: “how to schedule tweets”. If you don’t, the tags will show up like this: how to schedule tweets. Each word being an individual tag. After all, who’s searching for the word “how” or “to”?
Watch this, and see what I mean.
How to use Tags in YouTube
Get it?
Have more questions? Leave a comment below and I’ll get the answer for you.
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