Last night I was perusing Google Plus, which I don’t do often because, well, who cares?
And I ran across this post from Paul Colligan about Google Plus. Read his post below.
What I want you to take away from this is, use the the right tool for the result you want.
And I know I said “Who cares?” about Google Plus, but really, you should care. Here’s why.
Your posts get indexed by Google fast, so share links to your blog posts there. Don’t worry if you don’t get a lot of interaction, you can get that on Facebook.
When you have your Google+ profile associated with your blog, you get this nifty photo of you (from your G+ profile) showing up next to the search result for your post.
People are more likely to click on the link to your post because, 1) There is an actual person associated with the post, 2) Your followers recognize you and are likely to consider you the expert, and 3) your eye is drawn to images and video thumbnails.
The bottom line is, different social media sites have different audiences and serve different purposes. So, where ever you choose to be, offer content that is relevant to the audience on that site or to achieve the results you are looking for. You don’t need to be active on every single platform to get results, just the right ones for your business.
Just to completely eliminate your confusion on where you should be (especially if you are just starting out), here is a short rundown of the major players.
Facebook – Be there if your audience is human.
Twitter – Be there if your audience has a short attention span.
LinkedIn – Be there if your audience are “professionals”
(I guess that means it’s not for ditch diggers.) 😀
Google Plus – Be there if your audience is the Google search engine, of if you are a member of the Digerati.
YouTube – Be there if you like making videos and getting found online.
Pinterest – Be there if you like backlinks or if you want more traffic to your site.
Hope that clears things up.
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