You don’t have to spend hours going to every social media site on the web to find out if your name or your brand’s name is available, there’s one stop shopping at namechk. Just go to, enter your desired username or vanity url, click the chk button and your results are displayed in just […]
Your Website Sucks! (Part 2 in a Series)
Reason #2 Why Your Website Sucks Your website is all about you! I know that sounds like a contradiction, because of course your website is about you. You’re trying to sell products or services, but…. Your prospect or customer doesn’t care about you (yet). What they do care about is getting their problem solved. So, […]
Why Should I Use Social Media for Marketing?
If you were in doubt about including Social Media as part of your marketing plan, here is a video you might want to check out. It’s called, “What the HELL is social media – in 2 minutes” . What the HELL is social media explains in 2 minutes using 10 key facts why brands need […]